

NOT IN USE: President Trump extends coronavirus shutdown until April 30 (Chicago Tribune)

President Donald Trump is extending the voluntary national shutdown for a month as sickness and death from the coronavirus pandemic rise in...

Senate, White House reach $2 trillion stimulus deal (WaPo)

Senate leaders and the Trump administration reached agreement early Wednesday on a $2 trillion stimulus package to rescue the economy from the coronavirus assault,...

Experts debate lack of coordinated U.S. response to virus (Morning Joe, 3/24/20)

Richard Haass, Michael Beschloss and Eugene Robinson discuss the White House's disjointed approach to handling the coronavirus in the U.S. amid rising...

More key websites coming soon (1)

More key websites coming soon (2)

Coronavirus update for Wed. 3/25/20

Our nation's current urgent needs: (1) Encouraging more people to support social distancing to "flatten the curve," so that our hospitals don't...

Publisher’s Letter

To quote the great Mary Gross (SNL 1981-85), I am spittin' mad! Every piece of advice I see says...

KILL Johns Hopkins Global Case Tracker

See the current map here.

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus ‘hoax’ is ‘dangerous’ (MSNBC)

Feb. 28, 2020 View the entire video in YouTube here:
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