Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis skips science, math, health, logic and ethics, wants to send kids back to class (Wonkette)

(Thursday), at an educators’ meeting to discuss distance learning, the unmasked crusader opined that kids should be getting back to school soon because, “This particular pandemic is one where, I don’t think nationwide there’s been a single fatality under 25. For whatever reason it just doesn’t seem to threaten, you know, kids.”


“And we lose in Florida between five and 10 kids a year for the flu. This one, for whatever reason, much more dangerous if you’re 65 and plus than the flu, no doubt about that, if you’re younger it just hasn’t had an impact. So that should factor into how we’re viewing this.”

Oh, yes, he did. Watch it for yourself.

Here on Planet Earth, that’s not remotely true. While the elderly are more susceptible to COVID-19, six children under 20 have died in New York, and a six-week-old infant in Connecticut died with the disease. So when DeSantis says, “I think the data on that has been 100% consistent, I’ve not seen any deviation on that,” he’s full of shit. As usual.

Par for the course with the lunatic asshole who refused to close the beaches because it was better to let a bunch of drunk spring break kids spread coronavirus all over America than to forego hotel and bar revenue. That’s why his state is identifying 1,000 new cases a day, even with severe rationing of tests for those outside a hospital…

To read the entire article from Wonkette, click https://www.wonkette.com/florida-governor-skips-science-will-send-kids-back-to-class


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