What exactly ss “Malignant Narcissism”? (Psychology Today)

Five-term U.S. Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D—CA) has become the most prominent elected official to date to call President Trump a “malignant narcissist.”

What does “malignant narcissist” mean? And can such a label that has been used to describe figures such as Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin be appropriately applied to Trump or anyone short of a murderous tyrant?

The term “malignant narcissism” was coined by psychoanalyst Erich Fromm in 1964. Fromm, a Holocaust survivor, suggested that malignant narcissism is a severe and destructive pathology that can lie at the heart of the inhumane acts exhibited by dictatorial tyrants such as Hitler and Stalin.

To read the entire article from Psychology Today, click https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/narcissism-demystified/201905/what-exactly-is-malignant-narcissism


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