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A virologist answers the coronavirus questions you are too embarrassed to ask (Los Angeles...

What’s safe and what isn’t these days? With coronavirus, it’s hard to know. But an expert on viruses has...

Universal mask-wearing is the most overlooked COVID-19 lifesaver (Masks Save Lives)

Western countries are experiencing higher rates of COVID-19 infections compared to Asian countries because of the West's aversion to wearing masks.We...

How you can help during the coronavirus outbreak (WaPo)

Several nonprofit organizations could use your time and money to make sure vulnerable populations are cared for during the pandemic.

Your guide to face masks and coverings: How to do it right (L.A. Times)

Wearing masks or other face coverings is now recommended as one way of slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

How to get therapy when you can’t leave the house (NPR)

With the U.S. at the epicenter of a global pandemic, therapy sessions (or goals to start them) might be taking a back seat. But...

COVID-19 symptoms chart (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham)

Excellent diagnostic graphic: Do you have symptoms of a cold, an allergy, the flu, or COVID-19? The...

Everything you need to know about making your own face mask (Vox)

A homemade mask isn’t a perfect substitute for a medical-grade one, but it could be a good alternative.

Stuck inside? Keep walking (NYT)

Taking an extra 4,000 steps a day, even if it’s around your living room, may lower your risk of dying prematurely....

A comprehensive guide to masks (Slate)

Who needs them, what kind you should wear, when to wear them, and why. We’re going to...
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