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For you

Is social isolation getting to you? Here’s how to know — and what experts...

It was only a few months ago that we held our loved ones close and exchanged warm handshakes with new friends, rarely...

How to make an effective face mask at home (Business Insider)

It's possible to make your own face mask at home with cotton, cloth, and other common materials. Chalinee Thirasupa/Reuters

Most will survive, but now is the prudent time to settle your affairs (Newsweek)

Many of us do not like to think about dying, or even the possibility of dying. Recent neurological research suggests that our brains are...

‘Teddy Bear Hunts’: Scavenger hunts are making life bearable for bored kids (USA Today)

Teddy bears are appearing everywhere along streets made empty by coronavirus. And they're fair game for bored kids turned hunters.
(Photo credit: Drug Addiction Clinic Vita)

Simple DIY masks could help flatten the curve. We should all wear them in...

When historians tally up the many missteps policymakers have made in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the senseless and unscientific push for the general...

Navigating Your Life During Coronavirus (WSJ)

Advice on health, family, travel and helping others during the age of Covid-19 As the coronavirus pandemic upends work,...

We should be physically distancing, but remain as social as ever (The Globe &...

Health authorities are calling on Canadians to practise “social distancing,” a way to mitigate transmission of the novel coronavirus. This is a...

American Red Cross needs donors due to severe blood shortage

The American Red Cross now faces a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations in response to...

How you can help others during the coronavirus outbreak (WaPo)

Several nonprofit organizations could use your time and money to make sure vulnerable populations are cared for during the pandemic
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